Friday, April 11, 2008

What is the Internet?

Internet is a connection of computers across the globe. Or in simpler terms, it is a global network connecting millions of computers.

Internet is such-a-hit across the world that today an average man spends three to four hours surfing it daily. All you need to be a part of this booming technology is a PC and Internet connection. You can surf the Internet using any web browser.

The Internet was invented in the US for defense purposes. Initially, the Internet was a connection of a dozen of computers in the ARPA (US defense) building and today it links millions of computers globally.

The main technical feature that leads to the success of Internet is that it is not a centralized controlled body. There are many servers distributed across the globe. Other factors that attribute to its success are its:

1. Simplicity. To work on the Internet you do not need to be aware of its background details and complexities. You need not study the layers of the Internet, protocols, etc. that compromise the backbone of the Internet.

2. Speed. Sending messages, emails or cards is very easy and fast. Gone are the days when people waited for the postman to arrive and it took days to send messages to people. Today, with the help of e-mails and live chats one can instantly deliver his messages anywhere across the globe.

3. Efficiency. The quality and integrity of the message sent through the Internet is the same at the receiver's end as it was at the sender's end.

4. Economical. It is a common notion that the charge of message sends depends on the distance between the sender and the receiver and the length of the message. However, Internet nullifies both of facts as fads.

This may sound all good and nothing bad, and might render you scratching your head and wonder the catches in this chocolaty too-good-to-be-true image. There is one and that is the initial investment required to get the Internet connection. The money involved in getting the hardware (like the PC, the wiring, etc.) involved.

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Tarang Bhargava is the CEO of Vexat Inc. and has an affiliate marketing experience of six years. The website is Affiliate Marketing invitation that provides an opportunity to Indians to make money through internet using his experience.

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