Saturday, April 12, 2008

Successful - Honest Internet Marketers

Successful And Honest Internet Marketers - Hundreds, perhaps thousands of people decide to look into the possibility of working from home. This happens on a daily basis. Some of these individuals are quite computer savvy while others have no formal education. These people are simply following a dream.

Unlike being hired in some positions in the secular job market, the amount of education that one has, or does not have, is really not a great determining factor on whether one fails or becomes a success on the internet. There are numerous successful internet marketers who do not have a high school diploma. And, there are those who have a wonderful college degree and have failed miserably as an internet marketer. Success and internet marketing survival are not based on education.

There are common traits that successful internet marketers have, namely:
They are people who are willing to learn.
They are people who endeavor to develop the needed skills that would equal success.
They are people with positive attitudes.
They are self starters

The desire to better yourself and the ambitious willingness to do the hard work needed to achieve are the two of the three essential ingredients of internet marketing success. The third ingredient? Honesty!

Successful and HONEST internet marketers are one in a thousand. If you are just starting out walking the internet marketing 'learning curve journey road' you will soon discover the multitude of under-handed, crooked marketers that seem to suddenly come out of the woodwork, attempting to take advantage of you and your desire to begin your work at home internet marketing career.

You can become a successful internet marketer if you are willing to put in the energy, effort, time and yes, the money that is required. However, remember this: a successful internet business will not be created over night, it sometimes come with pain and it's not easy! Anybody who tries to make you believe otherwise is simply lying to you, preying upon your ambition! They are internet birds of prey, the buzzards, looking to pick your bank account clean.

More helpful information can be found at:

Overnight fortunes are never made overnight!
Fortunes, whether online or offline, are products of a lot of hard work!
One of the first lessons you will have to learn is how to spot 'hype.'
There are no shortcuts to having a successful internet marketing business.
If you are an internet 'newbie' you are going to need a mentor who provides a good internet marketing instructional course or home study course.

There are several instructional courses on the internet, some are very good, while others are worthless. You need to know how to spot the difference. Some of the best guidance you can get will come from you, yourself! As you read over the 'latest and greatest' offer ever to come your way, just answer the following questions honestly:

Is this information something that I really need and not just want?
Can I do some more research and find this information myself? (This might surprise you!)
Is there a guarantee with this offer? (Move on if there isn't!)
Can this information really help me?
Is this information what it really appears to be?
Will I need to spend even more more to make this information work for me?
Do I have the needed computer skills to understand and utilize this information?
Does the information on the sales page (the advertisement) sound too good to be true? (It might be!)

There is a familiar saying Politics makes strange bedfellows. Trust me when I say this: So called internet guru's make even stranger bedfellows! Be HONEST! Work hard and long term success will certainly follow! ~Ms.CiCi~

Ms. CiCi, has a gift of teaching, is an accomplished author and world traveler who enjoys sharing her life's experiences with others, making their life, their world a bit easier. Her writings expose her wealth of "secret information" so derived from her travels as well as drawing from her own personal wealth of wisdom. A great lover of nature, a visit to her website is a true delight. http://www.CiCi-Online.Com
